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Infineon Technologies

Company Profile
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Enterprise Value: US$54.9 bn
Region: Europe
Sustainable Transport

Infineon Technologies manufactures semiconductors and related systems. The company’s products include power semiconductors, as well as microcontrollers and radio frequency products and sensors. The products are key enablers of several important end markets including electric and hybrid road vehicles, renewable power generation including wind turbines, efficient power management in industrial systems and applications and in other types of electrical infrastructure.

Impact Score: 11%

Infineon’s technology plays a key role in enabling electric vehicles and the more efficient use of electricity across industry. However, components are a small part of the final product and there are several suppliers of equivalent products in the market. About 60% of company revenues are derived from these types of applications.

Fundamental Quality: 74%

Infineon is typically #1 or 2 in most of its end markets and has an experienced management team and high quality operations with strong performance across key ESG issues. The company has developed a strong growth strategy which is well-aligned with sustainability objectives.

Link to UN SDGs SDG 11
Infineon mainly supports the achievement of SDG 11 through its support for more sustainable transport systems through the transition to electric vehicles.
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Impact calculator metric
(per £1m invested)
Sustainable Transport:
104.7 MWh renewable energy produced
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Recent stewardship topics
  • Auditor independence
  • Customer health and safety
  • Director independence
  • Net Zero Carbon target
  • Gender diversity
  • Diversity - broader DEI
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