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Our investment themes and UN SDGs

How our investment themes link to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the critical problems we are helping to solve.

Click on each investment theme below to see how WHEB is helping to solve sustainability challenges. We also provide examples of companies held in the strategy that provide solutions.

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Sustainable Development Goals

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) were agreed by the world’s governments with the help and support of the United Nations in 2015.

The 17 goals set out aspirational and demanding targets for the world to achieve by 2030.  This sends a powerful message to the investment community as to what the world’s governments consider as development priorities.

The SDGs are not used as an analysis framework within our investment process as our strategy predates them. However, we recognise that the SDGs are a useful framework for reporting. WHEB's strategy addresses seven of the SDGs directly and the remaining 10 indirectly. 

Please see our quarterly reports for details of portfolio alignment with the SDGs. 

“At its core, WHEB is a purpose driven business. The company’s skills, mission and passion are all directed at accelerating the shift to a zero carbon and more sustainable world.”
WHEB Headshots 13
Jayne Sutcliffe
Non-Executive Chair

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