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Trane Technologies

Company Profile
Enterprise Value: £37bn
Region: North America
Resource Efficiency

Trane is a world leader in air conditioning systems and services. The company serves engineers, contractors and business owners across an array of markets including education, healthcare, government and manufacturing. It also provides climate-controlled transport solutions to the food and medical industries. It also has an offering in the heat pump space which brings a 300% efficiency gain compared with the system it would replace.

Impact Score: 11%

Trane’s products directly deliver higher energy efficiency compared to average HVAC systems. For its strong emphasis on innovation and sustainability Trane recieved the top spot for transformative innovation and reslience / risk avoidance to climate change among HVAC manufacturers from the CDP. While the impact is not critical, the improved efficiency is increasingly required by home owners and commercial businesses.

Fundamental Quality: 72%

Trane is a world leader in HVAC and refrigerated transport. Many mega trends will drive the growth of the HVAC market for decades to come which, in turn, creates a major challenge in containing GHG growth. Trane’s products and its strong commitment to cut scope 3 emissions make it part of the solution. Its salesforce is comprised of highly trained engineers who can provide engineered applied systems with demonstrable efficiency savings. Incentives for business growth and impact are clearly aligned; 2030 ESG targets are included in compensation.

Link to UN SDGs SDG 3
Trane’s products directly support SDG9 by focusing on developing and selling higher efficiency HVAC systems and heat pumps.
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Impact calculator metric
(per £1m invested)
Resource Efficiency:
<1 tCO2e emissions avoided
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Recent stewardship topics
  • Auditor independence
  • Combined Chair/CEO
  • Director independece
  • Director overboarding
  • Net Zero Carbon target
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Why the HVAC industry loves heat pumps
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Why we love heat pumps
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