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Power Integrations

Company Profile
power intergrations
Enterprise Value: US$4.0 bn
Region: North America
Resource Efficiency

Power Integrations is a pure-play manufacturer of integrated power-conversion components. Unlike traditional power conversion solutions requiring dozens of components, the company’s integrated solutions reduce the bill of materials and the size of the integrated circuit board. Power Integrations has strong market positions across a range of end markets including industrials and renewable energy, and a leading position in consumer appliances.

Impact Score: 33%

Power Integrations’ market leading EcoSmart chips intelligently manage the flow of power to maintain high efficiency whilst reducing energy waste when an appliance is in standby. This reduces household electricity consumption results from idle load electricity from 23% to almost zero.

Fundamental Quality: 64%

The company is a leader in emerging gallium nitride (GaN) technology which delivers strong efficiency gains in power suppliers for consumer goods. Growth is driven by increasing penetration as the portfolio of GaN products broadens, as well as growing exposure in electric vehicles and high voltage applications. We would like to see the company improve its environmental disclosures and continue to engage with management on the topic.

Link to UN SDGs SDG 9
Power Integrations’ products address the issue of efficiency within a wide range of applications, particularly within consumer applications and increasingly in industrial, EV and renewable energy settings, supporting SDG 9.
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Impact calculator metric
(per £1m invested)
Resource Efficiency:
9.9 tCO2e emissions avoided
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Recent stewardship topics
  • Auditor independence
  • Board independence
  • Committee independence
  • Net Zero Carbon targets
  • Product impact
  • Sustainability leadership
  • Tax
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