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The impact people

WHEB is focused solely on impact investing in listed equities

Why Wheb

We run a single global mid-cap equity strategy investing in listed companies whose products and services provide solutions to key sustainability challenges.

These are identified through our nine investment themes: Cleaner Energy, Education, Environmental Services, Health, Resource Efficiency, Safety, Sustainable Transport, Water Management and Well-being.

As active investors, we engage with our portfolio companies and the broader financial system to support and accelerate high standards in sustainable investing.  

Retail and professional investors are able to invest in the WHEB strategy, in a number of ways.

Read more about our investment approach
Reasons to invest

All products and services have an impact

Some products have a negative impact, harming or undermining the social and environmental systems on which life depends. For others, impact is positive, helping to support or even restore the health of our systems.

At WHEB we understand that impact is becoming a ‘third dimension’ of investment expertise alongside established disciplines in assessing investment risk and return.

That's why our team of sustainability experts have developed bespoke tools to analyse companies as part of our investment process and provide transparency to investors.

We believe in a brighter future through impact investing, and we’re passionate about doing our part to make it happen.

Individual investors
If you're a retail or private investor (and not a professional investor) investing from a personal account, select a fund to learn more:
Intermediary investors
If you're acting as a financial intermediary and are a professional investor, select a fund to learn more:
Institutional investors
If you're a regulated financial institution that invests on behalf of others (such as a pension fund, insurance company, investment bank, endowment, charity or fund manager) talk to us about how we can tailor our strategy to your needs. Select a fund to learn more:
Impact Calculator

WHEB's impact calculator shows the underlying positive impact that companies in our investment portfolio help create.

This positive impact is ultimately generated by the end users of the products and services; for example the owner of the electric vehicle or the homeowner who buys renewable power.

Investors in WHEB’s strategy are aligned with these positive impacts by investing in companies that form part of crucial supply chains that manufacture these products and provide these services.

WHEB’s investments contribute to the attainment of the impact, however, are not solely responsible. The impact is therefore referred to as ‘associated’.

Enter the value of your investment

to see how much impact is associated with this amount in the FP WHEB Sustainability Impact Fund in 2023.

Exchange rate as at 29th December 2023 using Bank of England exchange rates

Note: In pursuing the Fund’s sustainability objective there is always the possibility of unintended / negative impacts for example an increase in the use of plastics as a result of investing in vaccine development.
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WHEB is now a part of Foresight Group.
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
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