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Company Profile
xylem 3
Enterprise Value: US$36.0 bn
Region: North America
Water management

Xylem manufactures a wide range of products and provides services to the water industry. The company’s water infrastructure business provides a range of pumps, filtration and testing and treatment equipment to water utilities. The company also supplies commercial, residential markets with water and wastewater systems, and provides measurement and control solutions. Xylem’s strategy is characterised by the application of intelligent technology to improve water efficiency, in products such as smart meters and intelligent monitoring equipment.

Impact Score: 30%

Xylem supplies products and services that enable the efficient collection, treatment and supply of water by its clients. The company has a focus on efficiency and resource conservation and has novel products aimed at improving efficiency in the industry.

Fundamental Quality: 70%

Xylem is a strong competitor in a range of defensive slow-moving municipal markets as well as higher margin but cyclical markets in the private sector. The company has a strong management team with a leadership position on ESG issues.

Link to UN SDGs SDG 6
Xylem is a key enabler of businesses that support the achievement SDG 6 on the sustainable management of water resources.
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Impact calculator metric
(per £1m invested)
Water management:
4,4610,00 litres of water treated
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Recent stewardship topics
  • Circular economy
  • Gender diversity
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