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Company Profile
Enterprise Value: US$16.8 bn
Region: North America
Resource Efficiency

Trimble is the leading provider of location-based solutions which contribute to efficiency and productivity improvements. It operates predominantly in the construction, transport, and agriculture end-markets, where we expect the company to benefit from increasing demand for efficiency improvements. The company is listed in the US but derives around 50% of its sales from countries outside the US.

Impact Score: 22%

Trimble’s portfolio of products and solutions deliver several diverse, positive environmental impacts. Chief among these is the impact of reduced emissions from, for example, improving fuel efficiency and fleet utilisation in transport, and finding efficiencies in agricultural processes. The company also offers solutions to enable reduced waste, more efficient water use, and reduced damage from agricultural products such as pesticides and fertilisers.

Fundamental Quality: 68%

In each of its end markets, Trimble is either the global market leader or is in the top two or three providers. The company spends a high proportion of its sales on research and development to drive continued innovation. This serves to defend its market share while driving fundamental growth and positive environmental impact. The company is well positioned to grow organically and has a strong balance sheet to support continued acquisitive growth, as well.

Link to UN SDGs SDG 9
Trimble supports SDG9 by enabling more and better innovation that improves resource efficiency across multiple end markets including construction, transport, and agriculture.
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Impact calculator metric
(per £1m invested)
Resource Efficiency:
14.6 tCO2e emissions avoided
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Recent stewardship topics
  • Auditor independence
  • ESG governance
  • Exeuctive remuneration
  • Gender diversity
  • Net Zero Carbon targets
  • Sustainability leadership
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