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Company Profile
Enterprise Value: US$103.2 bn
Region: Japan
Resource Efficiency

The company’s products include machine visions systems including sensors and measuring instruments that are primarily used in the automation of factories. These components help customers achieve higher levels of efficiency, energy-savings, improved material utilisation and reduced wastage and quality management.

Impact Score: 17%

Keyence’s products are a key enabler of factory automation but there are many other components required as well. Clients are large manufacturing businesses and the efficiency gains are broad-based but typically incremental.

Fundamental Quality: 72%

Keyence has a strong competitive position in a market with relatively few competitors. Alongside its products it provides high-value consulting support which enables it to charge high margins. The company is famously secretive and provides poor levels of ESG disclosure.

Link to UN SDGs SDG 9
Keyence’s products and services support higher levels of resource efficiency in manufacturing infrastructure which is a key element of SDG 9.
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Impact calculator metric
(per £1m invested)
Resource Efficiency:
Under review
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Recent stewardship topics
  • Board independence
  • Gender diversity
  • Sustainability leadership
  • Sustainability reporting
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Keyence Case Study - Product Impact
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