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Bureau Veritas

Company Profiles
Bureau Vertas
Enterprise Value: US$15.6 bn
Region: France

Sub-theme: Making people safe

Bureau Veritas is a world leader in testing, inspection and certification (TIC). It’s services and solutions help ensure clients meet standards and regulations covering quality, health and safety, environmental protection and social responsibility. It covers a very wide range of sectors including: Marine & Offshore, Agri-Food & Commodities, Industry, Buildings & Infrastructure, Consumer Products, and Certification.

Impact Score: 11%

TIC services ensure product safety and that underpin strong operational practices. The company’s “Green Line” services, launched in 2020, specifically address sustainability concerns, for example through energy performance diagnostics, and provide solutions for sustainability-oriented assets, such as inspection of wind turbines.

Fundamental Quality: 70%

Bureau Veritas benefits from the growing importance and move towards higher standards for safety, quality and sustainability. It enjoys a number of competitive advantages, including its global network, its well-established reputation and a strong portfolio of accreditation. As well as being hard for smaller players to replicate, these advantages should enable the company to outgrow the underlying market profitably

Link to UN SDGs SDG 11
Bureau Veritas’ products and services enable safer, more resilient and sustainable cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient.
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Impact calculator metric
(per £1m invested in this company FY23)
Under review
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Risk of negative impacts
  • Provides some certification services to the oil and gas industry

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