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American Water Works

Company Profile
2560px American Water Works Company Logo svg
Enterprise Value: $37.5 bn
Region: USA
Water management

Sub-theme: Wastewater treatment and water provision

American Water is the largest and most geographically diverse, publicly-traded water and wastewater utility company in the US, as measured by both operating revenues and population served. It provides drinking water, wastewater and other related services to over 14 million people in 24 states.

Impact Score: 21%

American Water Works provides drinking water at a higher quality standard than the average drinking water utility in the US. In addition, as a result of the company’s treatment services, treated wastewater can be returned to natural watercourses without damaging aquatic ecology and can be reused safely as water for human consumption and for sanitation as well as for industrial and commercial purposes.

Fundamental Quality: 76%

American Water Works ranks among the best for earnings growth, best practices and ESG characteristics in the water utilities industry. Its proactive and responsible approach to investment in water infrastructure leads to superior compliance with drinking water and wastewater standards while maintaining water bill stable relative to household income through ongoing productivity improvement.

Link to UN SDGs SDG 6
American Water Works directly supports SDG 6 by providing good quality drinking water and treating wastewater responsibly.
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Impact calculator metric
(per £1m invested in this company FY23)
Water management:
New holding in 2024
Recent stewardship topics


Risk of negative impacts
  • Use of hazardous chemicals in water treatment
  • Extraction of ground and surface water can have a significant impact on biodiversity
  • Large user of energy, contributing to greenhouse gases

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